Tuesday 1 January 2019

Another shot at life ...give yourself another chance

In this one lifetime, shift happens, and often, the ‘f’ is silent. Yes, life happens. And when you thought the worst had happened, ‘BANG’ and the little that was left leaves you only with sweet memories of how amazingly great your life used to be; Hearts are broken, betrayal happens, we fail an important exam or interview, a marriage breaks, a business runs down, an investment leads to debt, the termination letter finds its way to your mahogany desk …and the list of the tragedies that strikes our one life existence is as long as there are humans. So the question is not whether or not things will go wrong, the question is, how do you handle things when they go wrong, because at some point, even after we have done better than our best, things just seem to flow south.

When things go wrong, don’t go with them (Elvis Presley)

I have learned two things: First, even when things go south, it helps to keep eying north. The good thing with hitting rock bottom is that at that point, you are left with only one place to look – UP! And there are high chances of heading in the direction you are facing. And as Les Brown puts it, “If you can look up, you can get up.” Second, even when in the darkest of rooms, it helps to keep your eyes open. Keeping your eyes open even when you can’t see helps keep you in balance as you find your way. The idea here is, do not give up looking for a way out even when there doesn’t seem to be a way out.

Keep asking, keep seeking, and knocking, and one day, an unimaginable door will swing open before you …just don’t give up asking, seeking, knocking…

You see, I have met men and women who have given up on God, education, the government system, relationships, business, adventure, name them; but when you feel like giving up, just spare this one person, the guy in the mirror, and whatever you give up on, NEVER GIVE UP ON YOURSELF. For as long as you still have YOU, you can give another chance to relationships, business, faith, trust, and all the things that may have frustrated you before …it is time to GIVE LIFE ANOTHER SHOT!

1 comment:

  1. Life will never stop giving you hard blows and, giving up only makes it worse for you,,, GIVING LIFE ANOTHER SHORT is worth it in the end.
