Once in a while you wake up and
realise that the reality of your life demands that you do something about
somethings. That the current direction of your life may need some deliberate
directing …and that is not even the main thing. The issue is, sometimes, often
times we do not know the button(s) to press in order to achieve the kind of
transformation we aspire and hope for, and with this state of affairs, we first
feel stuck, then when that feeling isn’t checked, we begin to sink into heaps
of unresolved issues upon heaps of internal struggles. I have been there,
actually, we kind of are always in that state, of getting out of something and/or into something. Yes, our century has experienced immense shifts in the way things are done ...how we travel, communicate, transact, etc, ...and the one way to keep up with the demands of our time is a enter a place of continuous SHIFTing. Knowing that however good we get, we can always get better, and daily raising into higher ideals, PERPETUALLY SHIFTING INTO HIGHER REALMS OF
…it is a good place to be; a state of CONTINUOUS SHIFTING rather
I have here collected little bites into what a SHIFT
starter pack would look like, feel free to add what else you feel fits...
1. S - SELF: When it comes to
SELF, you are all faced with the choice of sitting in restricted cubicles,
flushing the hours of your life down some social, corporate or religious toilet
or going against the grain to DEFINE and DEVELOP your TRUEST SELF! It is
ascribing to the Shakespearenic philosophy of, “to thy own SELF, be true.” I have always asked my audience to name
their best places to work. The answers are as varied as my audience
in the last few years. Only a handful ever said "the best place to work is at SELF" Yeah, that for me is the BEST
People have been deluded by the idea of job security, higher
salary and huge benefits, etc, which are okay, who doesn't enjoy that? But first things first; an investment in self is the best
security since, by investing in your mind
(reading, deliberate and continuous learning, emotional intelligence, people
skills, etc), body (healthy daily
practices and exercise) and soul
(issues spirituality NOT RELIGION, but the ability to marshal peace within
yourself; to know that no matter what happens, things somehow work out. To know
that the universe is forever conspiring to help you, and finding the ways to
align yourself with it, and learning to let go), then you SHiFT from looking
for and waiting on outward resources to being resourceful by utilising the many
attributes you are endowed with WITHIN YOU... …and there is nothing as secure
in our century as being resourceful.
After having to deal with the tragedy of
coloured papers and faded people, current investors are looking for individuals
who have discovered and are illuminated by their unique internal spark/light, where
previous investors looked for external paper qualifications whose light
continues to dim in gloom. At a
cognitive level, investing in yourself is telling yourself and the world that “the value and potential I possess is
important enough that I am going to give it the energy, space, and time to grow
and create results.” …THEN, and
this is a big THEN, the universe
begins to reward your EFFORTS TOWARDS A BETTER SELF with amazing results. How
well you IMPACT AND INFLUENCE SOCIETY hinges on how well you DISCOVER AND
SHIFT at its core is
about working towards A STATE SUPERIOR TO YOUR FORMER SELF. True shift is about SELF-GROWTH, or if you like, PERSONAL DEVELOPMENT.
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