Saturday 12 January 2019

YOUR MIND …a warehouse or a factory?

Among the functions of the brain is to encode, store, and retrieve information. This memory function is important as retained information may guide and/or influence future action. Information acquired, stored and referenced in future may also blind our eyes from everyday opportunities to be productive. The question that needs urgent answers is; “what are the sources of the information your brain stores and references every time you make decisions and take action?”  Of this memory/’warehouse’ part of the brain, care needs to be exercised, about the information we accept and store there. One must check its quality, interrogate its premise, assess the value it adds, and never allow space for information whose only validity is that it has been passed to us by generations past. Most education systems emphasize on memorizing and regurgitating information, and the more one remembers, and not necessarily uses the information stored, the higher they are rated as good in class. However, it is better when information stored in the ‘warehouse’ is seen PURELY as RAW MATERIALS THAT CAN BE USED TO CREATE SOMETHING PHENOMENAL, This calls us to engage a different part of the mind…

The creative function of the mind is the one that is rarely exercised. We get caught up in the way things have always been done, and individuals who try other means are ostracised, yet, the best innovations came from people who decided to break the rules in the face of criticism and play by their own terms. INFORMATION STORED IN THE WAREHOUSE OF OUR MEMORY SHOULD STIR OUR CURIOSITY TO CREATE. This begins when we start to question! Any source of information, whether professional, religious or cultural must allow for questioning. The custodians of such sources must also learn to accept when the premise of their tenets are challenged, and instead of defending their space, explore new information that is always available to the seekers of truth. That is how information helps us to manufacture new ideas, new means, and helps us remain relevant in a word that is constantly changing, and with discoveries that are opening our eyes to new horizons...

So, to the question of whether you have a warehouse or a factory for a brain needs to be considered. Grounds must be established where the two work together with the ‘warehouse’ being a place where we store the raw materials inform of knowledge, and which we need to use to create the beautiful things that we want to fill our live!

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